General Information


The official language of NEC2021 is English. Munich is a cosmopolitan city and you will be able to communicate in English in general.

Time Zone

The time zone in Munich is Central European Time (CET; UCT+1:00).


The currency in Munich is Euros (€).


September is the end of summer in Germany, with temperatures that range from 15°C to 22°C (around 65°F). You can expect clear and sunny weather, with minimal rain.

Visa Requirements

Attendees are recommended to contact their local consulate for official instructions on the specific visa regulations and application procedures that may apply. This will vary depending on one’s nationality and country of origin. It is the responsibility of the attendee to obtain a visa if required

Official Letter of Invitation

Official letters of invitation can be requested during registration. These are designed to help overcome administrative difficulties in certain countries. Applicants should understand that such letters do not represent a commitment on the part of the Organizing Committee or the Conference to provide any financial assistance.

Liability and Insurance

The Organizing Committee of the Neuroergonomics Conference 2020 cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of (or damage to) private property of the participants. Participants are advised to take out their own personal travel and health insurance for their trip.

Registration & Accommodation

All participants must officially register for the Neuroergonomics Conference 2021. We have arranged preferential rates with several hotels for conference participants. For registration, please click here. For accommodation, please click here.

Safety and Security

Please do not leave bags or suitcases unattended at any time. The conference venue will provide limited and unsecured space for luggage during the conference period, which attendees may use at their own discretion.

Policy on Photography, Filming and Recording

No photographs, video recording or audio recordings may be permitted during the scientific sessions at the Neuroergonomics Conference 2021, unless otherwise authorized in advance by the Organizing Committee. To obtain permission, please email here.


The conference venue is generally accessible for visitors with mobility difficulties and accessibility requirements. If you have special requirements, please indicate this during registration and we will get in touch with you.

Families at NEC-2021

Infants and small children of registered attendees may access the conference premises under the sole responsibility of a registered parent and/or designated caretaker. We will provide a family room for attendees needing to bring their infants or small children with them. However, this room will not be staffed and children may not be left unattended at any time.